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Showing posts from August, 2017

Crochet Birthday Present Ideas for Little Girls

I LOVE crocheting birthday gifts for kids, and this month we have 2 nieces celebrating their birthday's! So last month I got to work on making something for them. Brynlee, who is turning 4, loves to dance and twirl. Her mom put her in a dance class and she absolutely loves it! She loves everything girly, so I decided to make her a skirt with ruffles on it so she could twirl and make the skirt flow.  This was my first time making a skirt for a 4 year old. I have made this pattern before and I really like it. This was also my first time putting elastic into any of my crochet work. I like adding in an elastic waistband because then it will fit snuggly, and have some room for them to grow so it lasts longer. My niece is taller than most kids her age, so I found a pair of size 5 knee length shorts at the store, took measurements from that, and adjusted the pattern to that size. Here is the pattern I used: